Quick Base integration summary

Stitch’s Quick Base integration replicates data using the Quick Base HTTP API. Refer to the Schema section for a list of objects available for replication.

Quick Base feature snapshot

A high-level look at Stitch's Quick Base integration, including release status, useful links, and the features supported in Stitch.

Release Status


Supported By

Singer Community

Stitch Plan


Singer GitHub Repository

Quick Base Repository

Table Selection


Column Selection


Anchor Scheduling


Advanced Scheduling


Table-level Reset


Configurable Replication Methods


Extraction Logs


Loading Reports


Connecting Quick Base

Step 1: Retrieve your Quick Base URL and app ID

Step 1.1: Retrieve your Quick Base URL

To retrieve your URL, sign into your Quick Base account.

You’ll need to enter the URL that displays in your browser into Stitch. You should include the https:// portion, and omit anything after db/.

For example: Based on the URL in the image below, we’d enter https://stitchdata.quickbase.com/db/ into Stitch:

Step 1.2: Retrieve your Quick Base app ID

Next, you need to retrieve the ID of the Quick Base app you want to replicate data from.

In Quick Base, click the desired app in the My Apps section.

When the app opens, the URL in your browser will now contain the app’s ID. This is the alpha-numeric string after db/. In this example, the app ID is bngf9ix7e.

Step 2: Create a Quick Base user token

  1. In Quick Base, click the user menu (your name) in the top right corner.
  2. Click My preferences.
  3. In the My User Information section, click Manage my user tokens for [company name] realm…, located next to Manage User Tokens.
  4. On the My User Tokens page, click + New user token.
  5. Fill in the following:
    • Name: Enter a name for the token. For example: Stitch
    • Description: If desired, enter a description.
    • Assign token to apps: From the dropdown, select the app you want to replicate data from.
  6. Click Save.

The token will display in the Token field of the My User Tokens page. Keep this page open for now - you’ll need it to complete the next step.

Step 3: Add Quick Base as a Stitch data source

  1. Sign into your Stitch account.
  2. On the Stitch Dashboard page, click the Add Integration button.

  3. Click the Quick Base icon.

  4. Enter a name for the integration. This is the name that will display on the Stitch Dashboard for the integration; it’ll also be used to create the schema in your destination.

    For example, the name “Stitch Quick Base” would create a schema called stitch_quick_base in the destination. Note: Schema names cannot be changed after you save the integration.

  5. In the Quick Base API URL field, enter the Quick Base URL you retrieved in Step 1. For example: https://stitchdata.quickbase.com/db/
  6. In the Quick Base APP ID field, enter the Quick Base app ID you retrieved in Step 1. For example: bngf9ix7e
  7. In the Quick Base User Token field, paste the user token you created in Step 2.

Step 4: Define the historical sync

The Sync Historical Data setting will define the starting date for your Quick Base integration. This means that data equal to or newer than this date will be replicated to your data warehouse.

Change this setting if you want to replicate data beyond Quick Base’s default setting of 1 year. For a detailed look at historical replication jobs, check out the Syncing Historical SaaS Data guide.

Step 5: Create a replication schedule

In the Replication Frequency section, you’ll create the integration’s replication schedule. An integration’s replication schedule determines how often Stitch runs a replication job, and the time that job begins.

Quick Base integrations support the following replication scheduling methods:

To keep your row usage low, consider setting the integration to replicate less frequently. See the Understanding and Reducing Your Row Usage guide for tips on reducing your usage.

Initial and historical replication jobs

After you finish setting up Quick Base, its Sync Status may show as Pending on either the Stitch Dashboard or in the Integration Details page.

For a new integration, a Pending status indicates that Stitch is in the process of scheduling the initial replication job for the integration. This may take some time to complete.

Free historical data loads

The first seven days of replication, beginning when data is first replicated, are free. Rows replicated from the new integration during this time won’t count towards your quota. Stitch offers this as a way of testing new integrations, measuring usage, and ensuring historical data volumes don’t quickly consume your quota.

Quick Base table schemas

Every table in a Quick Base app will display as a selectable table in the Stitch app. Tables are named according to this convention: [app_name]__[table_name].

For example: If an app named event_handling contained customers, events, and rsvps tables, you could expect the following tables to be created in your destination:

  • event_handling__customers
  • event_handling__events
  • event_handling__rsvps

Table attributes

The schema of Quick Base tables will contain the fields the user linked with the user token has access to, along with a handful of other fields:


The unique record ID. This is the Primary Key for the table.


The unique record ID.


The date the record was created.


The date the record was last modified. This is the column Stitch will use as a Replication Key.


The ID of the user who last modified the record.


The ID of the user who created the record.

Attribute names

Some destinations restrict the use of special characters and spaces in column names. While Quick Base doesn’t restrict the use of these characters in their app, attempting to load column names as-is from Quick Base may cause issues.

To prevent loading issues, Stitch’s Quick Base will perform the following on column names:

  • Replace spaces and hyphens (-) with underscores (_)
  • Remove all other nonalphanumeric characters, such as ! or #
  • Lowercase capitalized characters

Below are a handful of examples of how Quick Base column names will appear in Stitch:

Column name in Quick Base Column name in Stitch
Customer Name customer_name
Is a VIP? is_a_vip
EmAiLAdDrEsS emailaddress
Street!Address streetaddress
Phone #number phone_number

Questions? Feedback?

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